Trust the Process

One of the reasons most people aren’t seeing success in their processes is because you have failed to establish the trust relationship you have with the US.

You see, the birth certificate is proof that you have ownership in US stock as it is in your name. It was created the day you were born and has been held in trust ever since.

The only way for a beneficiary to get control of their benefits is to establish their own trust and then retitle all property to that trust.

You can also take control of many of your issues using the initial trust once you learn how to move in your correct capacity.

When you hear people talking about “status correction”, the only status that needs correcting is the capacity in which you play in this game of monopoly.

Continuing to move as a minor (one who is not learned in laws) will keep you right where you are. Moving at the age of majority takes study and knowing how to express your rightful place that God created you to have.

I created the Trust the Process membership to help like-minded people gain their rightful control over their assets.

In this membership you will get the following:

  • Creating your trust.
  • Funding Your Trust.
  • How to give proper notice.
  • How to “pay” for tickets lawfully.
  • Child Support Remedy
  • Claiming Your Securities.
  • How to file lawsuits when they don’t comply.
  • Live zoom meetings biweekly Tuesday nights with Q&A.
  • Private FB group for additional Q&A.

If you’re ready to be a part of the tribe of people with the same interests who help one another from all parts of the 50 states, then this membership is for you.

When you purchase this course, shoot me a DM with proof of purchase and I will email you the shared folder and links to zoom and FB.

Peace and Love!

CLICK BELOW to join our tribe.

This is for Educational and Informational Purposes Only! If you seek legal advice, please contact a licensed attorney.