Transfer Your Suit

There’s a reason these debt collectors and “creditors” are taking you to state court as opposed to federal court, which is actually where the original jurisdiction lies in most cases for suits dealing with credit and securities.

State court cares nothing about your rights which are protected by the US Constitution.

Federal, by its original meaning, means covenant with God. The covenant was reaffirmed by the Constitution. Therefore, that is the court which protects your rights, including your rights to the interest you have in every account created by you.

And that is why the debt collectors and “creditors” stay clear away from those courts. Federal does not allow the shenanigans that goes on at the state level.

So if a debt collector/creditor currently has you in state court, or you are ready to start your own suit to enforce your rights, then click below and learn how my case was moved to federal and how I start my cases as the Plaintiff.

In this course you will get the following:

  • The difference between what constitutes a contract verses a trust.
  • Promissory notes being “payment”.
  • Why debt collectors and creditors take you to state court.
  • Why you should move your case to Federal court.
  • How to move your case.
  • How to avoid getting your claim dismissed for “Failure to state a claim”.
  • How to state a cause of action.
  • Templates

If you are ready to move your case to at least give yourself a fighting chance, then this course is for you.

When you purchase this course, shoot me a DM with proof of purchase and I will email you the shared folder.

Peace and Love!

CLICK BELOW to join our tribe.

Disclaimer: This is for Educational and Informational Purposes Only! Nothing in this course guarantees you will win. If you seek legal advice, please contact a licensed attorney.

2 responses to “Transfer Your Suit”

  1. Is love to join but sadly can’t afford it. I’ve paid for a few courses/ebooks from creators on TT and after scrapping $1,000+ collectively all I was left with was broke and a bunch of unanswered qs. No fault of yours (hence, buyer beware) but when one is desperate of being homeless and airways is unemployed scrapping up another few hundred is impossible😞

    • I’m sorry that happened to you. I don’t doubt that someone beat you for your funds but a lot of the issue is with people thinking they’re ready to go this route when mentally they are not. This is not easy. If it were, everyone would be free and the “government” is not designed to set everyone free. They’ve been robbing and lying to us for hundreds of years, you can’t possibly think they’re just going to bow out.

      It’s not about getting templates from people and just copying what they are doing. You have to read and do a lot of studying and be willing to take your issue(s) all the way to the Supreme Court if need be. There’s two Maxims in Law that are very relevant and meaningful. They are: “He who does not assert his rights have none” and “He who leaves the battle first loses the war”. They mean, 1) if you do not fight for your own rights, no one else will and therefore, you will have no rights; 2) Whoever gives up first, loses.

      If you’re not willing to fight for your freedom then this is not for you and you should just go back into the Matrix. If you are willing to fight then you should just ask yourself, “How much is your freedom worth?”.